Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Tattie Scones

Boy it's been a while since anyone posted anything but hey, that's the way it goes, since our last post there has been two new babies, between the 5 of us we now have 10 kids, hence the reason why there has been no posts!

Anyway this isn't really a meal it's a snack, goes well with a cooked breakfast of bacon etc, kind of a replacement for hash browns i guess

Tattie (potato) scones

9oz potatoes
1 oz butter
2 oz flour (in Colorado i would use 3 oz)
1/2 tspn of salt
1/4 tspn baking powder

Peel and cut the potato and boil.

Mash the potato with the butter, then sift in flour, salt and baking powder.

Divide mixture into two balls. Roll out the balls into circles about 1/4" thick.

Cut the circles into quarters and the prick with a fork all over. Use a fish slice to transfer to a hot griddle or frying pan and cook on each side till golden brown.

Serve warm with butter and a breakfast, or wrap in foil and keep for a day. Re-heat in the toaster and not the microwave.